ACz21 has been certified ATEX21 after it passed the strict quality test made by the DNV-Italia certifying authority. This Certification comply the Machinery Directive 99/92/CE and the ATEX Directive 94/9/CE, string CE Ex II 2D. DEPURECO ACz21 is engineered and built according to the ATEX Directive and it comes with: 304 stainless steel filter chamber and dirty can, thermical switch in Explosion Proof box certified 2D IP66, air speed reducer with Silencers, safety filter on air exit, Vacuumeter to get always the control of the vacuum performances, main filter in polyester "M" CLASS teflon coated, and safety relief valve on Siemens side channel blower. On request can be equipped with HEPA 14 filter (99,995%) for fine/toxic dusts. AC Z21在通过国际*机构DNV的严格质量检测后,已经通过ATEX21认证。这一认证符合99 / 92 / CE指令和ATEX 94 / 9 / CE指令,及CE EX II 2D。DEPURECO AC Z21根据ATEX指令设计和制造,它配备有:304不锈钢滤室和集尘桶,通过2D IP66认证的防爆箱过热保护,带有消声器的空气减速器,空气出口安全过滤器,负压表显示真空数值,聚酯“M”级特富龙涂层的主过滤器,西门子侧流式风机装有安全阀。根据要求可配备HEPA14高效过滤器(99.995%),用于细微/有毒性粉尘。