TB Z22 ATEX II3D The Industrial Vacuum model TB Z22 is the right industrial vacuum suitable for vacuuming solid material. It is among the most compact in its class, Powerful, Reliable, and it can be customized according to the customer requirements. The model TB Z22 comes as standard with, magneto-thermal switch, additional silencer, and safety relief valve on primary quality side channel blower. On demand TB Z22 can be equipped with HEPA14 (H 99.995%) filter, Stainless steel filter chamber and dirty bin, suitable to operate with fine, toxic and corrosive dusts. TB Z22 is comply according to European Directive 94/9/CE ATEX ATEX II 3D, the right solution to vacuum in any hazardous conditions. 工业吸尘器TB Z22适用于固体类粉尘颗粒。在同级别中属于紧凑型的,功能强大,可靠,它可以根据客户的要求定制。TB Z22标配,磁热开关,消声器,并在侧流式风机安装安全阀。根据需求,TB Z22可以配备HEPA14(H 99.995%)高效过滤器,不锈钢过滤室和集尘桶,适合细微的,有毒性的和腐蚀性粉尘。TB Z22遵守欧盟指令94 / 9 / CE ATEX ATEX II 3D,在任何危险的条件下都适用的解决方案。